On this page you find a selection of items about our members, activities, bilingual development, and bilingualism.
Grand Multi-literacy Event
HaBilNet3 – Call for Proposals – Posters & Junior Scholars ONLY
In 2025 the Harmonious Bilingualism Network (HaBilNet) will be holding its third colloquium, HaBilNet3. Our previous two colloquia were by invitation only but for 2025 we decided to have a mix of invited participants and participants whose abstract was accepted.
The HaBilNet colloquia aim to give center stage to bilinguals' well-being as it relates to language. Their focus therefore is more socio-psychological rather than purely neurological or cognitive, although, of course, everything is connected. Specifically, the aim of HaBilNet3 is to focus on bilingual individuals of all ages as people living in and affected by social context.
Therefore next year's theme will be: Bilinguals in context.
(At HaBilNet, the term "bilingual" is inclusive, and covers the use of multiple language varieties.)
HaBilNet3 will take place in Donostia/San Sebastián, Spain, June 4-6, 2025.
Submission details:
What – Abstracts for posters that relate to Harmonious Bilingualism.
Who – Doctoral students and those who received their doctoral degree after January 2018.
How – Please submit your abstracts through this form.
Until – Submission deadline is November 15, 2024. A decision about acceptance will be sent out in the second half of January, 2025.
All accepted participants will be receiving a grant-in-kind, with HaBilNet funding all costs between arrival at the colloquium venue (a 4-star hotel) in the afternoon of June 4 and departure after 5:30 pm on June 6, 2025.
If you are a doctoral student or postdoc carrying out studies related to Harmonious Bilingualism, please submit!
Best wishes,
Annick De Houwer & Lourdes Ortega, Colloquium Chairs
Annick directs HaBilNet; Lourdes is at Georgetown University and is a member of the HaBilNet Advisory Board. They co-chaired the first 2 HaBilNet colloquia.
Neuigkeiten vom Fachzentrum Mehrsprachigkeit
Fachtagung am 22. Mai in Frankfurt
Taalanalyse en taaladvies bij meertalige kinderen in Brugge: van harte gefeliciteerd!
HaBilNet gaf steun aan de ViVes Hogeschool in Brugge, België, i.v.m. een project met tot doel het opleiden van taalanalisten voor de thuistaal zodat er nagegaan kan worden of meertalige kinderen eventueel een taalleerprobleem hebben. Alhoewel de financiering van HaBilNet is afgelopen, is het rapport over het project opgesteld in de tegenwoordige tijd – hopelijk kan het nog verder lopen, met bijkomende steun van elders! Alvast gefeliciteerd met het gedane werk!
Het VIVES-team met ondersteuning van Foyer v.z.w.
A symposium sponsored by HaBilNet at the XVIth Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language
HaBilNet is sponsoring the XVIth Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language
Why did HaBilNet decide to give this much support to the IASCL? Basically, to promote HaBilNet and its goals within a community of scholars that has been working more and more on bilingual development, but not necessarily from a well-being perspective, which is central to HaBilNet. The hope is that more and more child language scholars will be looking at the sociolinguistic and psychological aspects of bilingual development, in addition to its psycholinguistic ones.
Connected through HaBilNet!
HaBilNet's network was quite visible at the March 2024 conference of the American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL). HaBilNet Advisory Board member Lourdes Ortega attended a presentation by two researchers (Jayoung Choi and Mihaela Gazioglu) who are working on a HaBilNet-funded project, and were joined by another researcher (Chan Lü) who leads yet another HaBilNet-funded project.
Multilingual Question Time
Everybody welcome!
Une association importante en France
Ein neuer Fokus auf Jugendliche und vieles mehr
A great new video channel with resources for bilingual families
Raising Bilingual Babies in Talk (RaBBiT)
Liba Lingua: een leuk bordspel dat meertaligheid ondersteunt en ouders inschakelt bij het leren van het Nederlands
Deze video met de motor achter het spel, Hilde De Smedt, legt de motivatie voor Liba Lingua uit, en in deze video verklaart HaBilNet directrice Annick De Houwer waarom HaBilNet er als de kippen bij was om dit fantastische spel te ondersteunen. Geen wonder dat het spel nu al, zo kort na de lancering, zoveel succes heeft!
De cursus Taalanalist in een nieuw jasje
Le Centre d'expertise sur le plurilinguisme au sein de l'Association des familles et partenariats binationaux en Allemagne
Das Fachzentrum Mehrsprachigkeit im Verband binationaler Familien und Partnerschaften
Talk in Japan
Im Rahmen der Transferveranstaltung gab es spannende Interviews und Diskussionsrunden mit Expert:innen aus der Politik, aus der pädagogischen und schulischen Praxis und Weiterbildung, aus Elternverbänden und der Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung. Unter anderem ging es darum, typische Missverständnisse auszuräumen, die sich immer noch um das Thema Mehrsprachigkeit ranken, und zu erörtern, wie wir das Potential von Herkunftssprachen in unseren Bildungsinstitutionen nutzen können.
Polish in the UK and Germany
Family language loss
Migration and what it can mean for language use
Study of Polish-German preschoolers in Germany and Austria
Project PIM_Brugge: taalanalyse/taaladvies bij meertalige kinderen
Songs To Promote Home Languages
このウェブサイト は、バイリンガル・マルチリンガル子どもネットの啓発グループが集めた、手遊び歌の紹介サイトです。
HaBilNet ondersteunt de advieswerking van Partners In Meertaligheid bij Foyer
Ik breng mijn taal mee naar school
Lees hier de projectbeschrijving.
Deutsch-Ukrainischer Sprachschatz für die Kita-Praxis
Why Study Harmonious Bilingualism?
The talk was part of a bilingual session honoring Dr. De Houwer's work in the context of her recent retirement from the University of Erfurt, Germany. This explains why the talk was in both German and English. When Annick spoke English, the accompanying slide was in German; when she spoke German, the relevant slide was in English. In case you do not understand German or just want to see the slides, find them here.
Annick takes this opportunity to once again thank the other speakers at the special session: Professors Jürgen Meisel and Lourdes Ortega, both HaBilNet members, and Csaba Földes of the University of Erfurt.
The Second HaBilNet Colloquium
The role of language and multilingualism in custody cases: An interview with Bente Ailin Svendsen
Onze partner Foyer vzw onthaalde Oekraïense gezinnen in Brussel
hier een leuk verslag. HaBilNet is heel dankbaar voor het initiatief van Foyer en blij dat het dit mee kon ondersteunen.
Ouders met een recente migratie-achtergrond: wat is er nodig om een kind tweetalig op te laten opgroeien?
Hoe kunnen leerkrachten bijdragen tot een succesvolle meertalige opvoeding – en dus Harmonische Tweetaligheid?
The importance of language choice, input, and discourse strategies for Harmonious Bilingualism
HaBilNet feiert das neue Fachzentrum Mehrsprachigkeit des Verbandes binationaler Familien und Partnerschaften, iaf e.V.
Es fehlt jedoch an Wissen und Informationen über Vorteile mehrsprachigen Aufwachsens, insbesondere in den Bildungseinrichtungen Kita und Schule, in Beratungsstellen, in Ämtern und Organisationen. Eltern werden verunsichert, ihre Sprache(n) und damit sie selbst werden mit ihrem sprachlich-kulturellem Hintergrund in Frage gestellt.
Mit der Einrichtung eines Fachzentrums Mehrsprachigkeit ab Januar 2022 will der Verband binationaler Familien und Partnerschaften, iaf e.V. unter Leitung von Chrysovalantou Vangeltziki, Bundesgeschäftsführerin, zum Ausdruck bringen, dass es in einem mehrsprachigen Lebensumfeld Anlaufstellen braucht, die zum Umgang mit sprachlicher Vielfalt informieren, qualifizieren und weiterhelfen.
Mehrsprachige Eltern, Kinder und Jugendliche finden hier einen „Raum" für den Austausch untereinander, für gemeinsames sprachliches Lernen und Reflektieren sowie für das eigene Empowerment. Beratung und begleitende Angebote informieren und qualifizieren sowohl Familien als auch Fachkräfte.
Das Fachzentrum Mehrsprachigkeit leistet einen Beitrag für das sprachbezogene Wohlbefinden von mehrsprachigen Familien und für ein sprachen-gerechteres gesellschaftliches Zusammenleben.
HaBilNet freut sich sehr darüber, dieses Vorhaben unterstützen zu können und steht dem Verband als starker Partner zur Seite.
Mehrsprachigkeit leben!
Une conférence sur « Le bilinguisme au sein de la famille » par Annick De Houwer
Elle y était invitée par Mme la professeure Barbara Köpke du Laboratoire de NeuroPsychoLinguistique de l'Université de Toulouse, elle-même membre de soutien de HaBilNet.
Visionnez la vidéo ici.
Mehrsprachige Kinder in unseren Einrichtungen: Hürden, Bedürfnisse und Chancen
Ein Vortrag beim Kita-Verbund in Kleinmachnow
HaBiLNet hat einen neuen Partner!
Als interkultureller Familienverband bietet er Workshops, Beratungen und Mitmachprojekte für Paare und Familien mit und ohne Migrationsgeschichte an. Die Angebote und ebenso die Lobbyarbeit des Verbandes liegen an den Schnittstellen Familien-, Bildungs- und Migrationspolitik.
Lesen Sie mehr über den Verband im HaBilNet Interview oder auf deren Webseite.
Why Speaking a Foreign Language to Your Child May Not Be a Good Idea
Online Connections with Young Children
Bilingual Teaching Materials for Schools
AVIOR is an Erasmus+ project carried out by a number of European partners that aims at improving the basic numeracy and literacy skills of children in Europe who have an immigration background.
This lovely video shows how parents, teachers and students can benefit from the AVIOR materials and how the use of children's home languages makes them excited to learn.
Harmonious Bilingualism in Bilingual Families
A Talk in Two Parts
In this first part she defines what she means by Harmonious Bilingualism and outlines its two main hallmarks.
In this second part she explains some of the possible ill effects that can occur when children do not speak the language their parents speak with them. She discusses what happens when young children's home languages are ignored at (pre)school and explains the importance of actively valuing all children's languages at (pre)school.
Intergenerational Language Transmission and Social Identity
Not only Love at First Sight but also Love at First Sounds
News Archive
In this section you find a selection of archived news items.
Dr. Meagan Driver's new Multilingual Lab
Lourdes Ortega interviews Sharon Armon-Lotem
Adam Beck's New Book is Out
Bilingual Success Stories Around the World is 252 reader-friendly pages and is available worldwide, in both paperback and Kindle e-book, at Amazon, the global Amazon sites, and other booksellers.
New Book on Bilingual Children
Entre Dos Podcast: a Great Resource for Bilingual Parenting
New episode with Annick De Houwer
The latest episode of Entre Dos Podcast focuses on why some children who grow up hearing two languages only use one. HaBilNet Director Annick De Houwer has done research on this question for decades. In this episode, you can hear about her findings and about ways to foster harmonious bilingualism in the family. You also find out about how Dr. De Houwer came to be interested in the question.
NIE Excellence in Research Award
Awarded to Sun He
Bilingual Children in Early Childhood Education and Care
The article explains how bilingual children's well-being in early education can be enhanced if staff embraces all children's languages and their developing bilingualism. Openness towards the languages children bring to the classroom can be shown through a pedagogical approach that actively recognizes and thus values all children's languages.
The article gives several concrete tips for early education staff that will help create such a language friendly pedagogical approach and can be found in the online handbook Das Kita-Handbuch (in German).
Four Decades of Service
A Publishing House Dedicated to Bilingualism
The Journal of Home Language Research has a New Website!
Wilhelm von Humboldt Prize 2020
Awarded to Jürgen M. Meisel
Gerald M. Mara Faculty Mentoring Award
Awarded to Lourdes Ortega
only online
Georgetown University Round Table colloquium
March 13-15, 2020
HaBilNet was proud to sponsor an invited colloquium at this year's Georgetown University
Round Table (GURT), a prestigious linguistics conference.
This year's GURT was co-hosted by the IMS and MultiLing.
HaBilNet director Annick De Houwer is a member of MultiLing's Scientific Advisory Board.
We are sad and disappointed, but thank the organizers for their tremendous work in preparing the conference.
Only virtual GURT this year
by Dr. Annick De Houwer
Read More
Unfortunately, the global COVID-19 crisis led to the "live" GURT 2020, scheduled for March 13-15, to be cancelled. Instead, the GURT 2020 organizers set up a closed FaceBook page, GURT 2020 Virtual, to allow registered participants to post their contributions. HaBilNet and the speakers who were invited for the HaBilNet FLP colloquium on Finding Universal Patterns in Family Language Policies and Their Effects on Children: Evidence from Different World Regions and Different Disciplines are grateful to the organizers for this enormous effort.
You can see more about the FLP colloquium here.
March 13, 2020
The HaBilNet Family Language Policies colloquium at GURT 2020
by Annick De Houwer | 25/03/2020 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments
This colloquium brings together perspectives on family language policies from different parts of the world and from different disciplines. Check out its virtual format here (featuring Annick De Houwer, Michelle Mingyue Gu, Simona Montanari, Janice Nakamura, and Nikolay Slavkov).
Multilingualism fact check
by Till Woerfel | 07/03/2023 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments
In education, language competencies are undoubtedly key. However, multilingualism is repeatedly and erroneously cited as a risk factor for educational achievement.
In a "Fact check", Dr. Till Woerfel therefore attempted to compare established international research with current scientific findings from German-speaking countries in order to answer the most frequently and controversially discussed questions on this topic.
HaBilNet2 – HaBilNet's Second Colloquium Part II
by Nina Schwöbel | 04/08/2022 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments
This is Part II of the Blog post about HaBilNet's second Colloquium which was held in May (2022) in Frankfurt, Germany. 55 participants from around the world had a great time and found the colloquium truly inspiring. Here, you can read all about the posters which early career professionals showed at the colloquium.
The Need for a Language-Considerate Approach in Early Childhood Education
by Annick De Houwer | 26/01/2024 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments
This article is part of a series by HaBilNet, the Harmonious Bilingualism Network. It considers research results about young children's bilingual language development and discusses how these results can be applied in early childhood education and care so that all children may benefit from harmonious bilingual development.
Telling stories, writing bilingual picture books, and more adventures with the Book Pirates
by Mareen Pascall | 10/06/2021 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments
The projects of the Book Pirates aim at enabling children and young people to experience literature creatively and independently. One of their numerous projects is about bilingual picture books written by children and for children.
Raising Trilingual Children in a Monolingual Society
by Mihaela Gazioglu & Jayoung Choi | 15/02/2023 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments
Multilingual families face a language management dilemma when attempting to cultivate and support trilingualism in monolingual societies. The maintenance and development of heritage languages (HLs) for trilingual children is daunting compared to bilingual families. However, there are ways to prevent and overcome language maintenance challenges and raise trilingual children in monolingual societies.
Supporting Bilingualism in Families, Day Care Centers and Schools
by Mareen Pascall | 17/02/2021 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments
Bilingualism is one of four major themes that the Association for Binational Families and Partnerships deals with. In this inspiring interview, Maria Ringler speaks from the Association's headquarters about supporting multilingual families, an exciting reading project for day care centers, and about her experiences with political lobbying for bilingual education.
Supporting bilingual children's socio-emotional wellbeing
by Theresa Bloder | 14/10/2022 | Uncategorized, Uncategorized | 0 Comments
Read an interview with supporting HaBilNet member Dr. He Sun on how bilingual children's socio-emotional wellbeing can be supported in the home and school contexts.
Taking advantage of staying at home with your children during the COVID-19 crisis
by Annick De Houwer | 26/03/2020 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments
Like so many other parents world wide, you are probably stuck at home with your children during the current COVID-19 crisis. It is a difficult time for everyone. Check out this blog article to learn how this may be also be a time of opportunity for your bilingual family.
Learning how to Read and Write in Two Languages
by Janice Nakamura | 27/08/2020 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments
Yes, it is important to talk a lot to children in two languages to support their bilingualism. But what about reading and writing in two languages? Find out in this blog by HaBilNet member and consultant Janice Nakamura.
HaBilNet2 – HaBilNet's Second Colloquium Part I
This past May (2022) HaBilNet organized its second Colloquium in Frankfurt, Germany. The 55 participants from around the world had a great time and found the colloquium truly inspiring. Read all about it in our blog article, divided into two parts: this first one about the colloquium as a whole.
Learning how to Read and Write in Two Languages
Yes, it is important to talk a lot to children in two languages to support their bilingualism. But what about reading and writing in two languages? Find out in this blog by HaBilNet member and consultant Janice Nakamura.
Telling stories, writing bilingual picture books, and more adventures with the Book Pirates
The projects of the Book Pirates aim at enabling children and young people to experience literature creatively and independently. One of their numerous projects is about bilingual picture books written by children and for children.
The Need for a Language-Considerate Approach in Early Childhood Education
This article is part of a series by HaBilNet, the Harmonious Bilingualism Network. It considers research results about young children's bilingual language development and discusses how these results can be applied in early childhood education and care so that all children may benefit from harmonious bilingual development.
Supporting bilingual children's socio-emotional wellbeing
Read an interview with supporting HaBilNet member Dr. He Sun on how bilingual children's socio-emotional wellbeing can be supported in the home and school contexts.
This Is the Secret to Success in Raising a Bilingual Child
Want to know the secret to success in raising a child that is actively bilingual? Find out in this blog post by HaBilNet member and consultant Adam Beck.
Raising Trilingual Children in a Monolingual Society
Multilingual families face a language management dilemma when attempting to cultivate and support trilingualism in monolingual societies. The maintenance and development of heritage languages (HLs) for trilingual children is daunting compared to bilingual families. However, there are ways to prevent and overcome language maintenance challenges and raise trilingual children in monolingual societies.
Taking advantage of staying at home with your children during the COVID-19 crisis
Like so many other parents world wide, you are probably stuck at home with your children during the current COVID-19 crisis. It is a difficult time for everyone. Check out this blog article to learn how this may be also be a time of opportunity for your bilingual family.
What's it like to request a HaBilNet consultation?
HaBilNet offers a consultation service to families who have questions or doubts about their bilingual journey or just need someone with expertise in this field to talk things through. If you wonder what a consultation might look like, get to know the team and read some feedback we've received in this blog post.
Supporting Bilingualism in Families, Day Care Centers and Schools
Bilingualism is one of four major themes that the Association for Binational Families and Partnerships deals with. In this inspiring interview, Maria Ringler speaks from the Association's headquarters about supporting multilingual families, an exciting reading project for day care centers, and about her experiences with political lobbying for bilingual education.