What is HaBilNet?
The Harmonious Bilingualism Network HaBilNet aims to support and stimulate scientific research into harmonious bilingualism and to make sure the results of that research are widely disseminated both within and outside of academia.
Harmonious bilingualism refers to language related subjective well-being experienced by members of a family living in a multilingual setting.
Instruments used to fulfill this aim
(list not meant to be exhaustive)
(1) supporting research projects relating to Harmonious Bilingualism through:
(2) supporting the scientific dissemination of HaBilNet research results through:
(3) supporting the wider dissemination of HaBilNet research results through:
(4) building up and supporting a strong multilingual digital media presence through:
HaBilNet is a philanthropic association ("feitelijke vereniging") under Belgian law and is administered out of Belgium.
Its Director is Dr. Annick De Houwer who can be reached here.